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White 4 Layered foam insulated Water Tank

Polycapital white foam insulated four layered tanks have four different layers of polymer engineered for saving energy, ensuring hygiene and weather resistance. Insulation layers reduce the heating of water, maintaining a difference of nearly 25-30 degree C. The insulation ensures that lesser energy is utilized for cooling.

Additional ribs have been incorporated to add strength to the tank. It reduces bulging when the tank is full, and also reduces chances of bursting under pressure.Food grade plastic ensures that the water does not get contaminated when in contact with the tank.Corrugated side profile are incorporated to build greater strength and ensure structural sturdiness for high volume capacity models.

The unique threaded lid make sure the longevity of the cover as well as the content of the tank are free from foreign bodies.UV Stabilization prevents degradation and ensures that there is no cracking or chalking or losing physical properties in this 4-layered tanks

  • Maintain water temperature at stored level.
  • U.V. Stabilised and heat resistant.
  • Capacity 300 ltr. upto 10000 ltr.
  • Special Raw Material
  • Impact resistant
External LayerUV Light Protector
Black LayerSunlight Protector
Foam LayerHeat Protector
Inside LayerDirt Protector
Capacity (ltr)Dia (mm)Height (mm)